This is our proven approach to teaching high school and college students how to write an 'instant' essay—so it's great for exams and the SAT. It repeats a couple of lessons from The Writing Course (which need to be repeated often!) and includes templates for writing 'fill-in-the-blank' essays (sort of)!. This course is worth the value alone.
IT'S SIMPLE: Print a the lessons...learn our easy method of giving the right kind of feedback (Less than 10 Minutes A Day) as they write daily... and watch your child become a better writer than you. Repeat yearly (Supplemental videos included).
Jody and I have been helping families make sense of their family and homeschooling strategies for decades. Now, we want to include you in that family. Having successfully gotten all five of our kids from homeschool (18 years each) to college (all graduated with excellent grades while working part time) to jobs to church/community involvement to marriage (all 5 are married).
Here's what you get: